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What happens after the internship?

This is where it starts! Join our alumni network and network with some of our old interns, become an ambassador and tell us about what you did after your internship. You can inspire more people to become engineers.

A desk filled with computers, cables, and people working. Gives a wonderfully messy feeling

Statistics on the engineering profession

After the internship, you will have a good vision for your future studies. Your experience means that you have a small head start in your studies and that you can apply your practical knowledge in theoretical courses. That kind of knowledge is sought after when you go out to work.  

Labour market

There are a lot of jobs to choose from for those who have studied engineering. According to Statistics Sweden's Labour Force Barometer, many employers think that there is a shortage of new graduates in several areas. These include civil engineering, vehicle technology and industrial economics.

Starting salary 

The starting salary for an engineer naturally varies depending on the level of education, where in the country you work and in which industry. The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers lists approximate salaries. For a newly graduated civil engineer, they recommend about SEK 39,000 a month.

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