Try life as an engineer!
Are you ready to take a leap into your future? Tekniksprånget is a four-month paid internship where you get the chance to test the engineering profession in practice. An opportunity to earn money, make contacts, and get a head start in your career. The application opens on April 16th and closes on May 6th.
Inspiring future engineers
Would you like to develop the cities of the future, create innovative software, or build an international career? Engineering is a creative profession where you are involved in driving development forward. It is also a profession with great opportunities, whether you want to work with the big picture or focus on your favorite subject.
Economists can now apply for Tekniksprånget
Starting in 2024, the government has tasked the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences with expanding the target audience for Tekniksprånget. This means that even those studying economics in high school can apply for internships as engineers.
– I hope that young economists with a keen interest in technology see this as an exciting opportunity to broaden their horizons and further build experience for the future," says Johan Forssell, member of the steering group in Tekniksprånget, IVA member, and former CEO of Investor.
Stories from interns and employers
Without Tekniksprånget, I would never have known that I enjoy programming and missed a big part of what I want to study.
Ida | intern at Mycronic
Find the engineers of the future
Strengthen your image as an employer and gain access to new skills that stimulate innovation. Develop leaders among your employees while introducing your business to a new generation of engineers. Together, we secure Sweden's supply of skills.
Answers to questions about the internship
How does the application work, when will you get an answer, what will you be paid? Here you will answer the most frequently asked questions about the internship.