Engineers in Sweden's regions
The regions are responsible for tasks common to large geographical areas. For example, health and medical care, culture, public transport and strengthening the growth and development of the regions.

Work with medical technology
Learn about and perform preventive maintenance on equipment such as ear thermometers, blood pressure monitors, hemoglobin meters and nutrition pumps.
Attend the repair of the ECG machine.
Learn more about software in medical technology at the company's IT department.
Investigate the latest news in a medical device area. Which medical devices in your division are "most recent" on the market? In what other international markets are these products available today? What are the plans for introduction and market establishment in Sweden? What does health economic data show? Survey of manufacturers and suppliers.
Join us at a trade fair in Gothenburg on e-health and in Skåne on the Medical Technology Day.
Conduct an internal customer satisfaction survey at the hospital, where they examine how satisfied the different departments of the hospital are with the technical service and what can be done better.
Internship in the lab
Work in an analysis lab when developing new methods or optimization of existing ones.
Perform sampling and analyses (e.g. absorption capacity/strength). How can you optimize the actual testing process of the product or develop the product to be more efficient, sustainable or durable?
Produce a report on where the large spillage/waste occurs and measures to reduce this. Produce cost estimates for the various proposals that have been presented.
Internship in technology and IT
Test work and identify bugs before launching or updating a new product.
Receive fault reports or issues and find solutions to these.
Review the website and produce new suggestions for improvement and/or inspiration "from a 20-year-old's perspective".
Work with real estate and service
Check whether map drawings of an area or a department are correct. Can costs be reduced/environmental goals better achieved by moving/restructuring e.g. warehouses?
Work with energy efficiency issues with the aim of minimizing the climate impact of housing. What do the climate goals look like and how can the work towards them be improved?
Inventory existing houses for upcoming renovations.
Inventory and document older houses that currently have no direct use. Market research on what type of business might be suitable.
Learn about the management and operation of the company's properties. Give techleapers detailed insight into issues such as heating, sanitation, air, steam and cooling, and medical gases.
Does the company work according to the LEAN/5S model? What does this model mean and in what way is it followed in certain production areas/departments? Does it apply to all areas or can it be extended even further in some?
Internship in traffic and public transport
Develop guidelines and strategies for the design of the future infrastructure in the region.
Investigate the possibilities of how bicycle traffic can be expanded based on small and large efforts by collecting measurement data, etc.
Other tasks engineers have in the regions
Produce statistics or conduct relevant market analyses, competitive analyses or external monitoring.
Introduce yourself as an employer and your various departments at upper secondary schools and fairs. Update and produce material for this purpose.
Conduct a review of the workplace and reconciliation with prevailing safety and work manuals. Do the staff need to be offered a review again that the intern can help prepare?
Interview and compile a short presentation of the employees with the aim of highlighting the department's own knowledge management and gaining a better insight into each other's professions and areas of expertise. Map out where in the country there are engineering students with relevant education for your future needs.
Time different steps in a process flow to pinpoint any potential bottlenecks. The process flow does not have to be within a typical production facility but can include comparisons between different departments. Can suggestions for improvement be obtained from the next department in how to work here?
Interview different people in the purchasing department who specify what needs/problems exist in terms of existing equipment. Map out which alternatives are available on the market, compile advantages/disadvantages and develop proposals for which new alternatives are most suitable. Contact dealers.
Review the status of the department's inventory today and whether the inventory system can be developed